Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Irony of European apologetics

Let me first start off by stating that I am not saying in any way, shape or form that terrible actions taken by people of European decent are any less terrible. I'm not even trying to say that Euroepan colonialism or imperialism was/is less significant on the people it affected. These actions shaped our world today and how we view that world, as I result people have a view of world events that is slanted toward a western view and it comes out through everything; food, "normal" culture, media, views of beauty, etc and some people identify that actions taken by Europeans are not necessarily good. What I am saying is that I occasionally see statements like this:

So this statement is actually unintentionally ironic. Europe doesn’t start pulling any real dick moves until 16th century and they do so until midway through the 20th century. The reason they stop is because they were so busy killing each other that they didn’t have time to kill anyone else and after they are too exhausted to do it to anyone else. When you state that world history is europe pulling a bunch of dick moves its because you have a very euro centric view of the world. For a huge chuck of history nobody is able to do anything to anybody outside their sphere because they don’t know they exist and don’t have any ability to reach them. Being from the western world we have this view that everything important has to have happened in the west, but world history doesn’t revolve around Europe. Even Europeans dick factor is exaggerated, you want a real historical dick? Try nomadic horse archers from the steppe, they conquered just about everybody, including Europeans.
This statement is extremely ironic. It lives in the idea that World history begins and ends with Europe or at the most the greater Mediterranean world.Europe doesn’t start pulling any real dick moves until  the16th century, really don't amp everything up until after the Turks are beaten at Vienna, and they do so until midway through the 20th century. The reason they stop is because they were so busy killing each other in the first and second world wars that they didn’t have  too much time to kill anyone else and after they are too exhausted to do it to anyone else. France keeps trying, but Algeria and Indochina do not go very well and while South Africa sticks around til the 90's and the USA is still going they are governments formed much later than western Europe's. The irony is that you state that World History is Europe pulling a bunch of dick moves its because you have a very euro centric view of the world. For a huge chuck of history nobody is able to do anything to anybody outside their sphere because they don’t know they exist and don’t have any ability to reach them. China at one point in their rare expansion periods heard about these people called the Romans who had outposts a few hundred miles away. Really outside of Alexander the Great reaching India and setting up Greek states out there for a short time, nobody is even really aware of whats east of Persia and Alexander himself thought they would find the end of the earth. Being from the western world we have this view that everything important has to have happened in the west, but world history doesn’t revolve around Europe.The Arab states in the middle east are the only ones really aware that China and Europe are not just myths and China doesn't really care because Europe isn't China and everything important is happening in China, while Christian Europe isn't exactly on speaking terms with the Arab Muslims. The same issue comes up when talking about the crusades as people often view this as another sign of Europe picking on their defenseless Muslim neighbors, the Muslim world was devastated much more severely by the Shia-Sunni infighting and all of the nomadic Horse archer people's who would invade a various times, including the Mongols who did far more long term damage to the Middle east Muslim world than European's did with the crusades. This is a common problem though, often people assume that if something/someone sucks then they have always sucked and that's exactly the case here.

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